Bloom Pottery - Friday Wheel Throwing with Tina Guerra
Bloom Pottery - Friday Wheel Throwing with Tina Guerra
Join Bloom Pottery and Tina Guerra to learn more about pottery wheel throwing skills, as well as glazing and decorating techniques. Tina has been creating ceramics for over seven years and focuses primarily on wheel thrown pots, whimsical glazing, and bunny forms. Having taught ceramics for a while now, she has a strong background in painting, which has fueled her love of glazing, resulting in a specialization in underglaze and sgraffito techniques.
The workshop will take place from Friday, May 17 to Friday, May 31, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. for a total of three sessions on Fridays. For those who are interested in participating, please click here for more information.