Rogue Valley Pottery Supply - Wild Clay and Glaze Clinic with Hamish Jackson

Rogue Valley Pottery Supply - Wild Clay and Glaze Clinic with Hamish Jackson

Join Rogue Valley Pottery Supply and Hamish Jackson for a Wild Clay and Glaze Clinic! Individuals will take a walk around the Rogue Valley and forage for wild clay. From there, Hamish will provide instruction about how to turn this raw material into a useful substance with the understanding of chemistry, how to test and retest results, and creating something that accentuates your creative process and gives a uniqueness to your artwork from locally sourced materials.

The clinic will take place on Saturday and Sunday, April 12 and April 13, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For those who are interested in participating, please click here for more information.

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